When a debt collector harasses you while attempting to collect a debt, they may be violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDPCA). Thousands of people report these violations each year. If you believe you are being harassed, then you may be able to receive up to $1,000 in damages from the collection agency. Let's say a debt collection agency calls you and leaves a voicemail. If in the voicemail they do not disclose that they are a debt collector, then they are in violation of the FDCPA. If they were to then call back and speak with a member of your family and discuss your debt, then they are again in violation of the FDCPA. If this happens to you, it's best to contact a consumer lawyer. With help of an attorney. You may be able to get up to $1,000 in damages as well as your legal fees paid for. For more information on what to do if a collection agency beginning with A-Acc uses abusive and embarrassing means to collect a debt from you, see below: 1st Credit of America, LLC 4M Collections, LLC 4 Star Resolution, LLC 11th Hour Recovery 21st Mortgage Corporation 24 Asset Management Corp. 180 Collection Services 360 Mortgage Group, LLC A-1 Collections, LLC AAA Collections, Inc. AAA Collectors AA Action Collection Company Aargon Collection Agency Aaron Recovery Systems A&S Collection Associates ABC Collectors ABC Credit & Recovery Services, Inc. ABC Financial Services Ability Recovery Services Able Collection Service Abraham and Kevork, LLC Absolute Collections Corp Absolute Resolutions Corporation ACA Receivables Company ACA Recovery Action Collection Agencies Account Recovery Specialists, Inc. Account Resolution Group Academy Collection Service, Inc. ACB American ACB Receivables Management, Inc. Accelerated Collection Services Accelerated Financial Solutions Accelerated Receivables Accelerated Receivables Management Accelerated Receivables Solutions Accelerated Recovery Management, LLC Acceptance Now, LLC Access Capital Credit Access Receivables Management, Inc. Acclaim Credit Technologies Account Adjustment Bureau Account Brokers Inc. Account Brokers of Larimer County, Inc. Account Control Systems Account Control Technology Account Discovery Systems, LLC? Account Management Services Account Management Systems Account Recovery Services Account Services Collections Account Solutions Group Accounts Receivable Management Accounts Receivable Services Account Receivable Solutions, Inc. Account Resolution Corporation Accounts Retrievable System, Inc. Accounts Service of Colorado Accredited Collection Agency Accredited Collection Services Accudata Credit Systems, LLC Accurate Collection Services More collection agencies that start with "A": Acd-All, Alm-Ar, As-Az.