If you have built up a large amount of debt, whether it is through student loans, credit cards, or healthcare costs, and you find yourself falling behind in making payments, you may be contacted by a debt collection agency about the bills. Some debt collectors have been known to treat debtors in unfair, deceptive, or abusive ways.
To protect debtors from these practices, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) developed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This act is meant to give debt collection agencies guidelines to follow when contacting debtors, and to give debtors the ability to seek legal action against an agency if they feel that their rights under the FDCPA have been violated.
180 Collection Services LLC is a debt collection agency based in Jacksonville, Florida. They collect third party debt from consumers around the country.
What to Do if 180 Collection Services LLC is Trying to Collect a Debt from You*
If a call representative or representatives from 180 Collection Services LLC has violated your rights under the FDCPA, you are able to take certain actions. First, you have the right to request 180 Collection Services, LLC to stop contacting you about the debt. You can make either a verbal or written request. The best option is to send a written request as certified mail so that you are able to prove that a request was, in fact, made.
If you’ve been called by 1-850-434-0883, this could be 180 Collection Services. After 180 Collection Services LLC receives your request, they should stop contacting you about your debt. If the agency doesn’t stop contacting you about your debt, it is a good idea to keep a log of every prior attempt to contact you since you made the request.
Keep a record of the date and time, as well as the name of the call representative, for each call. This way, if you choose to file a lawsuit against 180 Collection Services LLC, you will have a record of each call, which is a separate violation of the FDCPA. You could earn up to $1,000 in damages, plus additional damages.
Lastly, you may find it helpful to contact an attorney who specializes in FDCPA lawsuits. They will be able to help you collect all of the evidence needed to file a successful claim against 180 Collection Services, LLC.
A lawyer can also help you determine the amount of damages you should seek while pursuing 180 Collection Services LLC in a court of law. You are able to file a claim against the agency in state court, as well as with the FTC, in small claims court, or with your own local state attorney general’s office.
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against 180 Collection Services, LLC or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.