Acquiring a debt can happen easily. If you’ve been unable to pay monthly bills for one reason or another, then debt becomes inevitable. When this happens, your debt may be purchased by a third party collection agency, who may begin to try to collect payment for the debt from you. To help protect consumers when this happens, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDPCA) was enacted. Under the FDCPA, a collection agency cannot repeatedly call you to collect your debt. If this is happening to you, then the collection agency may be violating the FDCPA. How Often Is “Frequently”? The FDCPA does not state an exact amount that qualifies as frequently or repeatedly. Rather, it states “the frequency and persistence of the noncompliance of the debt collector” will be taken into consideration by the court. The more often a debt collector is calling you, the more likely they are to be violating the FDCPA. What to Do Next If you believe you are being repeatedly called by a collection agency, it may be in your best interest to speak with a FDPCA attorney. A lawyer that specializes in creditor harassment can help you learn about your consumer rights. Complete the Free Case Evaluation today! Here is more information on what to do if a specific collection agency is calling you repeatedly: Account Services Collections, Inc. Ad Astra Recovery Services, Inc. Advanced Capital Solutions Amcol Systems, Inc. Americollect Atlantic Credit & Finance Audit Systems, Inc. Avante USA, Ltd. CMRE Financial Services, Inc. Commonwealth Financial System Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc. Covington Credit Credence Resources Management, LLC Donald R. Conrad, PLC FH Cann & Associates, Inc. Global Collection Agency Global Credit & Collection Glass Mountain Capital Harris and Harris, Ltd. Hillcrest, Davidson, & Associates, LLC. IMC Credit Services, LLC. IQ International Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson LLC Meditcredit Monarch Recovery Management, Inc. MRS Associates Municipal Services Bureau National Commercial Services, Inc. National Recoveries, Inc. NCB Management Services Radius Global Solutions Scott and Associates SRS and Associates Synerprise Consulting Services, Inc. Vital Recovery Services