Having financial and debt related problems is one of the most stressful things a person can go though, to make matters worst you could have debt collectors from third party collection agencies calling you night and day. It’s comforting to know that consumers are protected under the The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which was enacted to help consumers protect themselves from harassment from third party debt collection agencies Common FDCPA Violations that Occur Over the Phone Certain actions exhibited by third party collection agencies are considered harassment under the FDCPA. If a debt collector calls you and does any of the following, you could be entitled to damages: Leaving you multiple voicemails Calling you before 8 AM or after 9PM Calling your phone number repeatedly What to do if a Collection Agency Calls You There are certain actions you can take if a third party collection agency calls your phone. You can speak with an FDCPA lawyer to discuss your claim and what to say the next time they call your phone. You do not have to fight the debt collection agencies alone. Here’s some more information on what to say to some of the country’s biggest debt collectors: Ad Astra Recovery Services, Inc. Atlantic Credit and Finance Avante USA, Ltd. CBE Group, Inc Collection Bureau of Hudson Valley DCM Services Delta Outsource Group, Inc. Eastern Account System Gatestone & Co. International, Inc. General Revenue Corporation Glass Mountain Capital, LLC Harris & Harris Ltd. McCarthy Burgess & Wolff Medicredit Monarch Recovery Management National Business Services, Inc. NCC Business Services NCB Management Services, Inc. Northstar Location Services Prince Parker & Associates Professional Account Management, LLC. Rash Curtis & Associates Recovery Solutions Group RGS Financial Scott & Associates SRS and Associates, Inc. Synerprise Consulting Services, Inc. Wakefield & Associates, Inc.