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When Can Glass Mountain Capital, LLC Leave a Voicemail?*

What is the most powerful weapon for debt collection agencies to use in attempts to motivate consumers to pay off outstanding credit card and personal loan balances? If you answered the telephone, then you probably have been the recipient of the phone calls made by a third party debt collector like Glass Mountain Capital, LLC. It is not just directly speaking with a bill collector that can take a physical and a mental tool. Voicemails left by bill collectors can also adversely impact consumers.

When Glass Mountain Capital, LLC can leave a phone call is not the real question. The real question is the debt collection agency legally allowed to leave a voicemail? On September 20, 1977, the United States Congress answered the voicemail question, as well as addressed numerous overly aggressive debt collection tactics by writing the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) into law.

In addition to prohibiting a long list of debt collection practices, the FDCPA also grants consumers the right to file claims that seek statutory and/or monetary damages for one or more violations of the federal consumer protection law.

When Can Glass Mountain Capital, LLC Leave a Voicemail?*

Is There a Voicemail Provision within the FDCPA?

The United States Congress enacted the FDCPA at a time when answering machines were not as prevalent in consumer homes as they are today. Therefore, the FDCPA does not contain specific language in regards to the voicemails left by bill collectors. However, there is a FDCPA provision that prevents debt collection agencies from contacting third parties concerning the collection of delinquent consumer debts.

By leaving a voicemail, a third party debt collector like Glass Mountain Capital, LLC is likely to contact a third party. In fact, it is incredibly unlikely that a bill collector will leave a voicemail that only you are able to hear. An accomplished consumer protection lawyer who has compiled a successful record of litigating FDCPA cases will determine whether Glass Mountain Capital, LLC violated the FDCPA by leaving one or more voicemails.

Common Voicemail Violations of the FDCPA

A voicemail represents an effective piece of evidence in fighting back against an overly aggressive debt collection agency. The evidence gets even stronger if a third party debt collector leaves a voicemail that threatens you. According to the FDCPA, it is illegal for Glass Mountain Capital, LLC to threaten to seize private property, as well as threaten to contact relatives in regards to an outstanding credit card or a personal loan account. You might come home one night to find a voicemail left by a bill collector that is full of abusive language.

The FDCPA clearly prohibits the use of abusive language, whether the abuse is doled out directly over the phone or left on a voicemail system.

Get the Legal Protection You Deserve

If you received voicemails from Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, you might be eligible to receive just compensation for pain and suffering. Harassment by a debt collection agency can cause physical duress, such as bleeding ulcers and chronic migraine headaches. Voicemails can leave emotional scars as well, and the FDCPA allows consumers to seek monetary damages to cover medical expenses for treating emotional distress symptoms.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Glass Mountain Capital, LLC or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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      By submitting above, I agree to the privacy policy and disclaimer and consent to be contacted by an agent via phone call or text message at the phone number(s) listed above, including wireless number(s). Calls may be auto-dialed/pre-recorded. Consent is not required to utilize our services.