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What to Do If a Collection Agency Sues You?
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What to Do If Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, Sues You*

Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, is a national accounts receivables and collections firm with headquarters in Illinois and New York. As a third-party debt collector, Glass Mountain Capital handles a variety of old and delinquent debts, such as loans, credit cards, and so forth.

If you are being sued by Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, you should respond to the lawsuit. If you don’t respond, the court will assume that the allegations against you are true. The lawsuit should be read over completely, and you should enlist the help of an FDCPA attorney for your response.

How To Respond To A Lawsuit From Glass Mountain Capital, LLC

If you think you have paid the debt in question, gather up documents that show the payments that you made. You will need to provide this to the court as evidence and as part of your defense. You will need to provide any documentation that you have to show your side of the story.

If you owe the debt, you can work with Glass Mountain Capital to reach a settlement. You can usually negotiate an agreement for much less than the face value of what is owed.

What to Do If Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, Sues You*

Damages You Could Receive From Glass Mountain Capital, LLC

If you can show that Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, has violated the FDCPA, you can file a complaint against them in court to recover compensation for your losses. Your FDCPA attorney can help you prove your case and show what Glass Mountain Capital is liable for.

Here are a few damages that you could claim from Glass Mountain Capital:

  • Statutory damages – If you can prove that Glass Mountain Capital violated the FDCPA, you can recover $1,000 in statutory damages.
  • Physical distress – Being harassed by a debt collector can cause you to suffer physical distress. You might suffer from various physical symptoms, such as sleep disturbances tension headaches, anxiety, hypertension, migraines, depression, and even heart problems that are stress induced.
  • Emotional distress – You may suffer emotional distress because of the harassment.
  • Lost wages – If the harassment is so severe that you suffer lost wages and missed work, you can recoup compensation for those lost wages.
  • Recovery of wage garnishment – If you had wages garnished by Glass Mountain Capital through an FDCPA violation, you can recover those wages through court order.
  • Legal fees – You can hold Glass Mountain Capital responsible for your attorney’s fees and any court costs.
  • Injunctive relief – Glass Mountain Capital can be ordered to stop contacting you, your family and employer by phone and by written correspondence.

Talk To An FDCPA Attorney Today

If Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, is threatening you with a lawsuit, you should talk with an FDCPA attorney today. Protect your rights and learn the best way to proceed with your claim and how to defend yourself from the debt collector’s allegations.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Glass Mountain Capital, LLC, or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to receive any compensation.

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