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Did Donald R. Conrad, PLC Threaten You?*

Ignoring a personal debt will not make the debt go away. Eventually, you can expect the original creditor to either sell the debt to a debt collection agency or pay a third party debt collector a commission for collecting some, if not all of an outstanding credit card or personal loan account.

Sometimes, a bill collector might threaten you in an attempt to coerce you to take care of a consumer debt. You should know that a more than 50-yeard old consumer protection law prevents debt collection agencies from using overly aggressive debt collection tactics.

About Donald R. Conrad, PLC

Donald R. Conrad, PLC is a law office operating out of Livonia, Michigan. The group of attorneys working at the firm handle the collection of delinquent consumer debts, with an emphasis on credit card accounts.

With nearly 20 years of experience, the law firm has established a strong presence in the debt collection market covering Michigan and nearby states such as Wisconsin and Ohio.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has not accredited the law firm, with the BBB handing out a rating of B+ to Donald R. Conrad, PLC.

What Types of Threats are Unlawful?

In response to incredible consumer pressure, the United States Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The 1977 consumer protection law outlaws numerous debt collection practices that were previously considered legal.

A third party debt collector such as Donald R. Conrad, PLC cannot try to collect more money that is owed on a credit card or a personal loan account. The bill collector is forbidden from making repeated phone calls throughout the day.

Many debt collection agencies implement this debt collection tactic to intimidate consumers. Perhaps the most important provision of the FDCPA makes it illegal for a debt collection agency to threaten you in any way.

Donald R. Conrad, PLC is not allowed to issue a threat to file a lawsuit against you. Although the law firm can seek a court order to bring a judgment against you, the third party debt collector is banned from threatening to take legal action.

You do not have to put up with threats of physical harm, as the FDCPA makes it clear that the loan shark tactics used by bill collectors of years past are no longer lawful. Harassing and intimidating debt collection techniques like the issuing of threats can take a physical toll.

The FDCPA provides consumers with a legal remedy to make bill collectors pay for violating one or more provisions of the federal consumer protection law.

Did Donald R. Conrad, PLC Threaten You?

Seeking Monetary Damages for FDCPA Violations

After you consult with a licensed FDCPA lawyer, your legal representation might decide to file a claim against Donald R. Conrad, PLC for breaking the consumer protection law.

If you suffer from physical distress symptoms and you can link the symptoms with the illegal conduct of a debt collection agency, you might be eligible to receive just compensation for your pain and suffering. Your FDCPA lawyer will present evidence to bolster your case.

Schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced FDCPA attorney to determine whether you have a strong enough case to file a claim against Donald R. Conrad, PLC.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Donald R. Conrad, PLC, or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to compensation.

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