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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation
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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation by Donald R Conrad PLC*

Getting into debt is bad enough, but being harassed constantly by an appointed debt collection agency like Donald R Conrad PLC can be extremely unpleasant and annoying. Fortunately, federal laws prevent unnecessary intimidation and pestering by debt collection agencies. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) limits contact by debt collectors and, in particular, regulates how many times a collector can reasonably contact a debtor and when it can do so.

You have every right to report a violation of the FDCPA to a federal or equivalent state fair debt collection agency or even go ahead yourself and file a lawsuit against the collector. It is definitely advisable to have legal help from an attorney if you want to take this path.

How to Report a FDCPA Violation by Donald R Conrad PLC

There are two main options if you want a government body to take action against unwanted attention by a debt collector. The Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) is the main federal agency that acts against unfair debt collection practice. If you report a FDCPA violation to the CFPB or the Federal Trade Commission then the activity will be investigated. Both bodies have the clout to pursue legal action against the debt collector, but the FTC normally doesn’t directly communicate with the debtor.

Most states also have fair debt collection rules and the state Attorney General’s Office would be the agency to report a state law violation to. Like the federal equivalents, any proven transgression of state law may lead to action being taken against the collection agency.

How the Better Business Bureau Can Help in Negotiations Over Disputes

If you think you have a good chance of persuading the debt collector to hold off then you might try mediation with the help of the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Unlike agencies like the CFP, the BBB does not have any legal clout. It can help with arranging mediation and can also warn other people about undesirable debt collection activity.

Where to Report an FDCPA Violation by Donald R Conrad PLC*

Filing a Lawsuit Against Donald R Conrad PLC

If you wish to pursue your own lawsuit against the debt collector, the bar for success is somewhat higher than hoping a government agency will do this for you. If you are sure that the debt collector’s actions do violate the FDCPA and you have evidence to back up your assertion, then you have 12 months to file a lawsuit against the company involved. In the lawsuit you can claim damages of $1,000 against the collector, as well as legal fees.

How a Lawyer Can Help With a Claim for a FDCPA Violation

Filing a lawsuit can be a challenging exercise. You need to be well prepared and have documented evidence of a FDCPA violation. It is preferable to use an attorney if you go down this route.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Donald R Conrad PLC, or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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