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Did Audit Systems, Inc. Misrepresent Themselves?*

Your day is going well, that is, until you take a call on your cell phone that is made by a representative from the IRS. At least that is what the representative claims. Some debt collection agencies like to impersonate the IRS because the companies know that most consumers are intimidated by having to deal with the federal government tax entity.

However, the IRS is not in the business of collecting outstanding consumer debts. If a third party debt collector like Audit Systems, Inc. claims to be the IRS, you should know a longstanding federal consumer protection law forbids any company from impersonating the tax collection agency.

About Audit Systems, Inc.

With 20 consumer complaints resolved by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) over the past year, Audit Systems, Inc. has racked up a less than impressive record of handling consumer complaints.

Focused on collecting delinquent credit card accounts, the bill collector has not received accreditation from the BBB. In business since 1975, Audit Systems, Inc. has earned a less than stellar B+ rating from the consumer advocacy organization.

How the FDCPA Protects Consumers

In response to growing consumer resentment, the United State Congress wrote the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) into federal law. The FDCPA prohibits dozens of previously legal debt collection tactics. A debt collection agency such as Audit Systems, Inc. cannot call you repeatedly throughout the day at home and at work.

The company is also barred from calling you after 9 pm and before 8 am. In addition to banning overly debt collection practices, the FDCPA also makes it illegal for third party debt collectors to misrepresent themselves.

Impersonating the IRS is one of the most effective debt collection tactics the FDCPA has outlawed. Because of the fear consumers have of the IRS, some bill collectors use the fear to their advantage by claiming to represent the federal government tax entity.

If a representative claiming to be from the IRS calls you on your cell phone or home landline, you should immediately get in touch with a licensed consumer protection attorney who specializes in litigating FDCPA cases.

Did Audit Systems, Inc. Misrepresent Themselves?*

Do You Qualify for Actual Damages?

According to the FDCPA, consumers have the right to seek actual damages from the pain and suffering caused by physical and/or emotional distress symptoms that are directly related to the illegal acts committed by a bill collector.

Physical distress symptoms include breaking out in hives, as well as experiencing a chronic ulcer. To link physical duress symptoms with the illegal acts made by a debt collection agency, you will need to present documentation that proves the existence of your ailments.

Then, you will need to call to the stand expert healthcare witnesses that can confirm your medical claims.

Filing a Claim Requires an FDCPA Lawyer

Only by working with an experienced FDCPA attorney can you expect to win a claim filed against Audit Systems, Inc. Your FDCPA lawyer will make sure you provide every document necessary to verify your claim for actual damages.

Meeting legal deadlines is also another reason to work with a highly rated consumer protection lawyer. Most attorneys offer free initial consultations to determine the best way to proceed with a case.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Audit Systems, Inc., or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to compensation.

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