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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation
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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation against Audit Systems, Inc.*

If a debt collection agency such as Audit systems, Inc. contacts you, the company must follow several guidelines set forth by a historically significant federal consumer protection law. Passed by the United States Congress in 1977, the Fair Debt Collection Practices (FDCPA) outlaws debt collection tactics that for years were considered legal under United States law. The FDCPA forbids the use of abusive language in both written and oral form, as well as prohibits third party debt collectors from issuing threats. If a bill collector has harassed you in any way, you should speak with a licensed FDCPA lawyer to learn more about how the FDCPA protects you.

Your FDCPA attorney will carefully review your case to determine whether Audit Systems, Inc. has violated one or more provisions of the landmark federal consumer protection law. In addition to making dozens of previously acceptable debt collection practices illegal, the FDCPA also grants consumers the right to seek statutory and monetary damages for violations. The FDCPA places a limit of $1,000 for statutory damages, but the landmark consumer protection law does not cap monetary damages.

Report FDCPA Violations to Government Agencies

One of the sections of the FDCPA educates consumers about how to report FDCPA violations. The FDCPA clearly gives legal authority for enforcing the consumer protection law to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). By working with an experienced FDCPA attorney, you can reach out to the FTC to report an FDCPA violation against Audit Systems, Inc. The FTC will decide how to address the violation, which can include punitive measures such as a fine and/or the suspension of an operating license.

Turn to the Better Business Bureau

Created to advocate for consumers, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is much more than an organization that rates American businesses. The BBB is also there to help consumers resolve disputes they have with debt collection agencies. Although your lawyer might recommend filing a claim against Audit Systems, Inc., it is a good idea to alert the BBB about the illegal debt collection techniques used by a third party debt collector. The BBB receives feedback from consumers and with enough negative feedback, Audit Systems, Inc. might be persuaded to change its overly aggressive debt collection practices.

Where to Report an FDCPA Violation against Audit Systems, Inc.*

File a Claim to Protect Your Rights

Your FDCPA lawyer will thoroughly analyze your case to determine whether there is enough evidence to warrant the filing of a claim against Audit Systems, Inc. Evidence can be in the form of original letters and recorded phone conversations. Tape recording the phone calls you have with a bill collector is easy to do if you live in a one party consent state. Check with your FDCPA attorney to see if your state allows just one person to give permission for tape recording a phone call. You should also keep all written correspondence that documents any harassing and intimidating debt collection tactics used by Audit Systems, Inc. The more evidence you collect, the more likely a civil court judge will rule in your favor.

Take advantage of the rights given to consumers by the FDCPA. Schedule a free initial consultation with a consumer protection attorney today.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Audit Systems, Inc. or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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