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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation
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Where to Report a Violation by FH Cann & Associates, Inc.*

Falling into debt can trigger stress and anxiety. As the bills mount, you realize the money you earn at work is not enough to help you recover financially. Then one day, an angry debt collection agency calls you at home repeatedly. The phone calls have one common theme: The third party debt collector wants its money and the company wants it now. You may receive threats of legal action, as well as threats of calling a family member to shame you into paying off an outstanding credit card or a personal loan balance.

Fortunately, you are protected by a landmark consumer protection law. Enacted by the United States Congress on September 20, 1977, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) clearly outlaws numerous bill collector practices. Did you know that a debt collection agency such as FH Cann & Associates, Inc. is not permitted to contact any friends and family members concerning a delinquent consumer debt? A third party debt collector is forbidden from deceiving you into paying off a credit card or a personal loan account. Deception can include impersonating an IRS or a law enforcement official.

Report FDCPA Violations to Your State Attorney General

The first item on your to do list after being harassed by a bill collector involves contacting a licensed consumer protection attorney. Your attorney will consider several options for addressing FDCPA violations. One effective option is to send a letter to your state Attorney General Office explaining how FH Cann & Associates, Inc. violated one or more provisions of the FDCPA or a similar state law. The Attorney General of your state can take several steps to stop the harassment and intimidation. He or she can censor the debt collection agency for FDCPA violations, as well as impose a fine that deters FH Cann & Associates from continuing to break the federal consumer protection law.

Enlist the Help of the BBB

As the most powerful consumer advocacy organization in the United States, the Better Business Bureau is available to help negotiate the disputes consumers have with bill collectors. Although your FDCPA lawyer might try to negotiate a debt settlement, the BBB is the go to organization for negotiating the end of debt collection disputes. The BBB will conduct thorough interviews with both parties to determine the fastest way to end the dispute. If you and your FDCPA attorney are not satisfied with the result produced by the BBB, you can always file a claim in civil court against FH Cann & Associates, Inc.

Where to Report a Violation by FH Cann & Associates, Inc.*

Filing a Claim against FH Cann & Associates

Filing a lawsuit against FH Cann & Associates can accomplish two things. First, the judge presiding over your case might request the debt collection agency stop harassing you. Second, the FDCPA allows consumers to seek monetary damages for violations of the groundbreaking consumer protection law. If you have suffered from physical and emotional distress because of the actions taken by the third party debt collector, your attorney has the legal option to seek just compensation for your pain and suffering.

Speak with an experienced consumer protection lawyer to learn more about how to file a report against FH Cann & Associates, Inc.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against FH Cann & Associates, Inc. or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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