Once your monthly debts go into a certain amount of arrears, your creditors may assign them to a collection agency. These companies are supposed to follow approved guidelines when dealing with consumers, but too many of them try to bully you instead.
If this happens to you, your best defense is learning more about your rights.
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Your Rights Under the FDCPA
Although the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) requires debt collectors to treat you with respect when collecting debts, abuses like those below inspire complaints to the Federal Trade Commission every year.
- Ignoring a formal cease communications request
- Refusing or failing the validate the debt
- Using profane and obscene language
- Calling before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. in your time zone
- Discussing the debt with your family, friends, and co-workers
- Threatening to ruin your credit forever
Company Profile: Wallet Recovery Ltd.
If you are being called by Wallet Recovery Ltd., information about the company is below.
Wallet Recovery Ltd. is a debt collection company located in Floral Park, New York. It was founded in 1985, has 19 employees, and is managed by its President, Victoria Calogero.
A check of litigation files at the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) website indicates that many people who felt they were being harassed by Wallet Recovery Ltd. successfully sued the company.
Alleged Violations against Wallet Recovery Ltd.
According to PACER, in January 2012 a Wallet Recovery Ltd. representative allegedly called a Georgia couple and demanded that they pay a debt before the end of the month or their account would be “referred to legal.”
When the wife called the agency in March after receiving a demand stamped FINAL NOTICE, the party who answered allegedly told her that her home would have a lien placed on it unless payment was received by the end of the month.
Feeling harassed by Wallet Recovery Ltd., the couple hired a consumer attorney and sued the company for allegedly violating the FDCPA in the following ways:
- Using false, deceptive and misleading means to collect a debt
- Misrepresenting the character, amount, or legal status of a debt
- Using unfair and unconscionable means to collect a debt
- Failing to send a debt validation letter
A judge awarded the plaintiffs $15,256.34 in damages and attorney fees.
Hire an Attorney
The phone numbers for this debt collection agency are the following:
If they appear on your caller ID at any time, you are being called by Wallet Recovery Ltd.. If they threaten lawsuits, property liens, or wage garnishment to intimidate you into paying the debt, hire a consumer attorney.
If you decide to file a claim against Wallet Recovery Ltd. you could be awarded $1,000 per FDCPA violation in addition to legal costs. You have rights, and acting n them can get you the compensation you are entitled to.
Additional Resources
Case taken from PACER (www.pacer.gov). File number is Case 5:13-cv-00064-WLS from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, Macon Division.
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Wallet Recovery Ltd. or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.