These days, so many people are living from paycheck to paycheck. All it takes is a single accident or illness to send your debts out of control. To make matters worse, debt collectors often abuse and harass you when you can’t pay. Although they won’t admit it, such conduct is illegal under both state and federal law.
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Your Rights Under the FDCPA
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) regulates the conduct of third-party debt collectors. These companies may only contact you at approved times and refrain from abusive conduct like the following:
- Demanding more than you actually owe
- Discussing the debt with third parties
- Failing to report a debt as disputed to the credit bureaus
- Calling you at work if they know what such calls are not allowed
- Demanding that you pay a debt discharged in bankruptcy
- Pretending to be police officers
Company Profile: United Legal Corporation
If you are being called by United Legal Corporation, learn more about the company below.
United Legal Corporation is a debt collection agency located in Jacksonville, Florida. It was founded in 2004, has 10 employees, and is managed by Darlene Graham. The PACER website holdings include records confirming that consumers who felt that they were being harassed by United Legal Corporation acted on their rights.
Alleged Violations against United Legal Corporation*
According to information on the PACER website,in or around October 2005, United Legal Corporation began contacting a Pennsylvania consumer to collect a debt. She retained an attorney to represent her in the matter, but allegedly continued to contact her directly.
Feeling harassed by United Legal Corporation, the consumer sued the company:
- Contacting her directly although she had legal representation
- Harassing her by phone
The matter was later settled.
Hire a Consumer Lawyer
The phone numbers for United Legal Corporation is 1-877-726-8505. If you ever see it on your caller ID, United Legal Corporation is on the line. If they insist on contacting you instead of your attorney, hire a consumer lawyer and file a claim against United Legal Corporation. Any debt collector who violates your rights can be ordered to pay you $1,000 per incident, so don’t be intimidated by their threats. Act on your rights instead.
Additional Resources
*Case taken from PACER ( File number is Case 3:06-cv-00637-TMB from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against United Legal Corporation or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.