When money problems cause your credit card bills and student loan payments to go into arrears, you can practically count on hearing from a debt collector sooner or later. Their methods can be persistent to the point of harassment because they get their money when you pay up. If they push you too far, however, remember that harassing consumers is illegal and you have the right to fight back.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, gives indebted consumers several protections. You can dispute a debt, demand proof that it actually exists, and tell third-party debt collectors to stop contacting you. It is also illegal for debt collectors to use methods like those below as a means of collecting a debt.
- Calling at inconvenient times, usually before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m
- Using the phone to harass you
- Calling you at work after they’ve been advised that such calls are not allowed
- Using profane or obscene language
- Telling you that you can be arrested if you do not pay
- Contacting you directly even after you’ve hired an attorney to represent you in the matter
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Company Profile: Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc.
If you are being called by Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc., information about the company is below.
Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. is a healthcare collection agency located in Downers Grove, Illinois. It was established in 2002, has less than 10 employees, and was acquired in May 2011 by Waud Capital Partners. Today it goes by the name of Optimum Outcomes, Inc. According to records on file at the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) website, many consumers who believed they were being harassed by Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. have chosen to fight back in court.
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Alleged Violations against Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc.
According to PACER, in or around November 2011, Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. contacted a Michigan resident to collect a debt he allegedly owed. During this conversation, the consumer stated that he had retained an attorney to file for bankruptcy and provided the attorney’s contact information. Nonetheless, Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. allegedly contacted him at least two more times. In one of these communications, the collector allegedly said that they could continue to call until he actually filed for bankruptcy and provided them with a case number.
Feeling harassed by Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc., he sued the company for allegedly violating the FDCPA in the following ways:
- Communicating with him directly despite knowing that he was represented by an attorney
- Threatening legal actions that it was not in a position to take
- Using false, deceptive, and misleading means to collect a debt
- Using unfair and unconscionable means to collect a debt
The matter was later settled.
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Hire an FDCPA Attorney
The phone number for Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. is 1-800-752-4172. If you see it on your caller ID when the phone rings, it means that you are being called by Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. If they persist in calling you directly after being informed that an attorney is representing you regarding the debt, hire a consumer attorney to help you safeguard your rights. If you decide to file a claim against Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc. and the judge decides in your favor, you could potentially be awarded $1,000 per violation as well as attorney’s fees, court costs, and any actual damages. Standing up to an intrusive debt collector is a recommended way to bring the harassment to an end.
*Case taken from PACER (www.pacer.gov). File number is Case Case: 1:12-cv-00315 from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Revenue Cycle Solutions, Inc., or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.