Just because you owe money to a credit card or student loan provider does not give collection agencies the right to harass you. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of the laws in place to help them protect their rights.
Debt collectors are aware of this fact and use it to get away with harassment. Don’t be in the dark any longer- federal and even state law protects you from abuse.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, has firm rules in place when it comes to communications with consumers. If a debt collector contacts you about paying a debt and subjects you to underhanded tactics like those below, they have broken the law.
- Cursing and calling you names
- Using an autodialer to contact you nonstop
- Reporting false information to the credit bureaus
- Demanding amounts not supported by law or the original creditor agreement
- Claiming that you can have your assets seized or wages garnished if you don’t pay on the spot
- Trying to collect amounts that exceed the original debt
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Company Profile: RDK Collection Services, Inc.
If you are being called by RDK Collection Services, Inc., below is some background information on the company.
RDK Collection Services, Inc. is a debt collection agency located in Troy, Michigan. It was established in 1992, has less than 10 employees, and is managed by its President, Richard Kundrata.
Consumer lawsuit files viewable at the PACER website confirm that people who felt they were being harassed by RDK Collection Services, Inc. went to court to stop the unwanted letters and phone calls.
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Alleged Violations against RDK Collection Services, Inc.
According to PACER, in or around mid-2011, RDK Collection Services, Inc. began calling a Michigan consumer seeking to collect a debt from “Annette Stephenson.” Although the consumer did not know this person, she allegedly continued to receive calls two to three times per week.
Feeling harassed by RDK Collection Services, Inc., the consumer filed a lawsuit against the company for the following alleged FDCPA violations:
- Harassing her by phone
- Engaging in harassing and oppressive conduct
The matter was later dismissed.
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Hire a Consumer Lawyer
The phone numbers for RDK Collection Services, Inc. are:
If you see any of them on your caller ID when the phone goes off, take note that RDK Collection Services, Inc. is trying to reach you. If they keep calling your number looking for someone else, hire a consumer lawyer who can help you stop the unwanted calls and file a claim against RDK Collection Services, Inc.
You could be awarded $1,000 per FDCPA violation in addition to legal costs, so don’t tolerate harassment a moment longer. Working with a lawyer can get you the compensation you deserve.
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Additional Resources
Case taken from PACER (pacer.gov). File number is Case 2:11-cv-15473-JAC-MJH from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against RDK Collection Services, Inc. or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.