When you’re unable to keep up your monthly debt payments, your creditors may eventually turn the accounts over to third-party debt collectors. Although these agencies may legally contact you to collect a debt, they are not permitted to harass you. It’s a fact that many of them willfully forget.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
In September 1977 Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, to deal with the rising number of personal bankruptcies that were attributed to abusive collection practices. The FDCPA prohibits the use of activities like the following to collect or attempt to collect a debt.
- Yelling, swearing, and using language meant to intimidate you
- Telling you that you can be arrested and sent to jail if you don’t pay
- Discussing the debt with anyone except you, your attorney, spouse, or any co-signers on the debt
- Calling before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. in your time zone
- Demanding amounts inflated by ‘service charges’ and other miscellaneous fees
- Maliciously reporting false information to the credit bureaus
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Company Profile: Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc.
If you are being called by Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc., information about the company is below.
Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc. is collection agency located in Lansing, Michigan. It was established in 1988, has 42 employees, and also does business under the name of Money Recovery Nationwide. Litigation records on file at the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) website indicate that people who believed they were being harassed by Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc. chose to assert their rights in court.
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Alleged Violations against Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc.
According to PACER, in 2011 Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc. began calling a Michigan resident and his wife to collect a medical debt that Mr. McFarland believed his insurance had covered.
On or about August 8, 2011, he spoke collector who identified himself as Dave Wayne. When Mr. Wayne demanded payment, the plantiff stated that he would not agree to pay anything until he received something in writing from Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc.. Mr. Wayne replied that the debts were appearing on the credit reports of the plaintiff and his wife and that the time frame for disputing them had passed.
Feeling harassed by Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc., the plaintiff hired a consumer attorney and sued the company for allegedly violating the FDCPA in the following ways:
- Using false, deceptive, and misleading means to collect a debt
- Using harassing, oppressive, and abusive means to collect a debt
- Using unfair or unconscionable means to collect a debt
The matter was later settled.
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Hire an FDCPA Attorney
The phone numbers for this collection agency are as follows:
If you see any of these numbers on your caller ID, it means that you are being called by Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc.. If they threaten to ruin your credit unless you pay, hire a consumer attorney. If you file a claim against Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc. with your attorney’s help and win, you could potentially be awarded $1,000 per violation as well as attorney’s fees, court costs, and any actual damages. Stand firm when a collection agency goes too far, and it could end up owing you money instead.
*Case taken from PACER (www.pacer.gov). File number is Case 1:11-cv-00933-JTN from the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division.
Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Nationwide Collection Agencies, Inc., or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.