If you run into financial trouble, you may eventually default on one or all of your monthly obligations. After a certain number of missed payments, your creditors may assign the accounts to a collection agency.
This can make a stressful situation even worse, but never forget that no matter how much you owe, you still have rights.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
Debt collectors can be persistent when trying to collect your money, but you don’t have to tolerate abuse. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, prohibits third-party collection agencies from using pressure tactics like those below when dealing with you.
- Calling before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. in the consumer’s time zone
- Talking to anyone except you, your spouse, or your attorney about the debt
- Failing or refusing to identify themselves as debt collectors in every communication
- Using profane or obscene language
- Calling you at work when your employer does not allow such calls
- Pretending to be police officers or federal agents
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Company Profile: First Credit Services
If you are being called by First Credit Services, more information about the company is available below.
First Credit Services is a debt collection agency located in Woodbridge, New Jersey. It was established in 1999, has 448 employees, and is managed by its CEO, Rajesh Chhabria.
Digitized litigation records archived at the PACER website indicate that consumers who felt they were being harassed by First Credit Services challenged the company to prove its claim against them.
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Alleged Violations against First Credit Services
According to PACER, in or around early 2011, First Credit Services allegedly started calling a Florida consumer to collect an alleged gym membership debt. He claimed that he told the agency to stop calling, but the communications continued, sometimes twice a day.
Feeling harassed by First Credit Services, the consumer filed an FDCPA lawsuit against the company for:
- Harassing him by phone
- Continuing to call after being asked to stop
The matter was later settled.
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Hire a Consumer Lawyer
The phone numbers for First Credit Services are:
If you see them on your caller ID when the phone rings, be aware that First Credit Services is calling. If you tell them to stop calling you and they ignore you, send them an even stronger message by hiring a consumer lawyer and filing a claim against First Credit Services.
They could be ordered to pay you $1000 per FDCPA violation and cover your attorney fees, so when you know a collection agency has crossed the line with you, fight back.
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Additional Resources
Case taken from PACER (pacer.gov). File number is Case 0:11-cv-62010-WPD from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Division.
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against First Credit Services, or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.