If you have been unable to pay your monthly bills, or even worse, you have been wrongly accused of being in debt, you aren’t left on your own to handle the harassment. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) has guidelines that protect you from the unlawful behavior of a debt collector.
The FDCPA came into force to stop third-party debt collectors from using threatening behavior to force unsuspecting consumers and their families to pay debts whether they owed money or not. Unfortunately, many debt collectors don’t follow the guidelines set by the FDCPA.
If you believe that National Recoveries Inc. has behaved in a threatening way, you may be able to file an FDCPA lawsuit to demand compensation from the debt collector for his or her unlawful behavior.
About National Recoveries Inc
Via the Better Business Bureau website, National Recoveries Inc. is a debt collector that has been running its business for 28 years. It can be found in Ham Lake, Minnesota. Over the years it has been accused of harassing and intimidating debtors quite illegally to try and get debts paid.
What is Considered a Threat?
The FDCPA states quite clearly that that certain kinds of threatening behavior are forbidden when a debt collector from a company like National Recoveries Inc. is told to pursue a debtor to pay a debt. This includes:
- using a violent approach that involves inflicting harm or injury on the debtor and by so doing so causing damage to the debtor’s reputation;
- using threatening tactics to confiscate your property;
- threatening to approach your employer to garnish your wages;
- threatening to call the police to get you arrested for non-payment of your debt;
- making public debtors’ names by producing a list and threatening legal action on all people on the list.
![Did National Recoveries Inc. Threaten You?*]()
Damages You May Be Entitled to
Debtors that have satisfactory evidence which enables them to prove they were threatened by the debt collector may be able to file a claim for compensation in court where they may be awarded statutory damages of $1,000. Added to this by the court could be both physical and emotional damages resulting from being threatened as well as lost wages while recovering from the physical or emotional injury.
The attorney’s fees are typically paid by the debt collector. The type of physical damage could be obvious ailments such as breaking out in a rash, chronic headaches, and cardiovascular problems. If the debtor is suffering from anxiety and stress attorneys ma file damage claims for emotional distress.
End the Threats Today
If you believe National Recoveries Inc. has been threatening you, you may want to speak to an FDCPA attorney who specializes in creditor harassment so that you can learn more about your rights and your ability to prevent them from threatening you again. Fill out our Free Case Evaluation to be connected with a consumer rights attorney that is able to handle consumer law cases in your state.
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against National Recoveries Inc., or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to compensation.
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