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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation
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Report a FDCPA Violation by NCB Management Services, Inc*

Are you being annoyed or harassed by a debt collector? Both state laws and federal legislation in the form of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) help to regulate poor activity by debt collectors. You can report a violation of the FDCPA or file your own lawsuit with the help of a lawyer.

The FDCPA prevents debt collectors from contacting you at all hours of the day or night and too frequently, which can be an intimidating experience. It is against the law for a debt collector to continually harass a debtor.

How to Report a FDCPA Violation by NCB Management Services, Inc

You have several options if you think that the debt collector that is attempting to recover debt from you has violated the FDCPA. The first step may be to report the violation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This is a federal agency that oversees the actions of debt collectors. It can investigate a complaint about behavior an issue fines if it has sufficient evidence that a violation has taken place.

You may also be able to use your own state’s fair debt collection law, if it has one. In this case, you would report the debt collector to the Attorney General’s office. If they think they have sufficient grounds to pursue legal action against the collector that’s what they will do.

How the Better Business Bureau Can Help in Negotiations Over Disputes

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is not able to take legal action as such, but has a mediation service which you can use. Mediation between you and the debt collector may help to prevent over-zealous behavior from them in the future.

The BBB also has the ability to warn other customers about the behavior of this particular debt collector.

Report a FDCPA Violation by NCB Management Services, Inc*

Filing a Lawsuit Against NCB Management Services, Inc.

If you want to pursue legal action against NCB Management Services Inc., you may do so if you have evidence that they have violated either federal law in the case of the FDCPA, or a fair debt collection state law.

You are expected to file your lawsuit within 12 months of an alleged violation of the FDCPA and are able to claim 1,000 dollars in damages as well as legal fees.

Note that any attempt to sue a debt collector for violating the FDCPA is a separate action from paying back your own debt. You are still obligated to paying your debt to whoever you owe it to, unless the collector has made a mistake or is pursuing a debt that does not exist.

How a Lawyer Can Help With a Claim for a FDCPA Violation

If you do decide to sue the debt collector who is harassing you, you are advised to talk to a lawyer first.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against NCB Management Services, Inc., or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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