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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation
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Where to Report an FDCPA Violation by Amcol Systems Inc.*

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) exists to protect debtors from constant unwanted attention by debt collectors like Amcol Systems Inc. The FDCPA has been amended to make it illegal to contact debtors too often or at antisocial hours of the night. If Amcol Systems Inc., or another debt collector, has been harassing you, you have the right to file a report on the collector for a violation of the FDCPA. There are various options that are available, including seeking mediation, filing a complaint with a state or federal body or filing a lawsuit against the company with the help of an attorney.

How to Report a FDCPA Violation by Amcol Systems Inc.

If you believe that the debt collector who is attempting to recover debt from you on behalf of the party you owe money to has violated the FDCPA there are various ways you can respond.

The federal agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), can investigate any report you make about a violation of the FDCPA. They have the power to fine debt collectors who break the rules on fair debt collection.

Most states also have laws that regulate debt collection practices. Find out whether your state has a similar law to the FDCPA. If so, you should contact the state Attorney General’s Office, reporting the collector. The Attorney General’s Office has the power to pursue legal action against the collector.

How the Better Business Bureau Can Help in Negotiations Over Disputes

If you think that mediation could help, or at least are prepared to give it a try, you could approach the Better Business Bureau (BBB). They can arrange a mediation session between you and a representative or employee of Amcol Systems Inc. The BBB doesn’t have the legal clout to penalize an errant debt collector, but depending on their view of the collector who is harassing you, they may warn others about the behavior of the company.

Where to Report an FDCPA Violation by Amcol Systems Inc.*

Filing a Lawsuit Against Amcol Systems Inc.

If you have been pestered constantly by a debt collector and believe that the actions are a violation of the FDCPA, you have the right to file a lawsuit against the company. You can claim up to 1,000 dollars in damages plus attorney’s fees.

The lawsuit can be filed with either a federal or state civil court that is convenient to you. You have 12 months from the date you believe the collector went too far. If you win the lawsuit, you cannot use this as an opportunity to default on your debts.

How a Lawyer Can Help With a Claim For a FDCPA Violation

Filing a lawsuit against Amcol Systems Inc. can be difficult and intimidating. It is advisable to contact an attorney before filing a claim against a debt collector.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Amcol Systems Inc., or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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