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How Many Times Can a Debt Collection Agency Call You?
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How Many Times Can Wakefield & Associates, Inc. Call You?*

Debt collection agencies purchase outstanding consumer credit card and personal loan accounts for a small fraction of the entire balance. Creditors receive at least a little bit of money and third party debt collectors enjoy a substantial windfall by doggedly pursuing the collection of delinquent consumer debts.

The dogged pursuit typically involves frequent phone calls placed to consumer cell and home numbers. Does federal law limit the number of phone calls made by a bill collector like Wakefield & Associates, Inc?

The answer is no, expect when a debt collection agency crosses the legal line.

Even if you are successful in getting Wakefield & Associates to stop calling you, the third party debt collector has the option to use other legally sound strategies to get you to pay what you owe.

One of the remedies is filing a lawsuit against you in civil court. In addition to the lawsuit, a bill collector might submit a negative credit report to a consumer credit reporting agency.

If you receive frequent phone calls from a debt collection agency in regards to a delinquent credit card or personal loan account, you should contact a licensed consumer protection lawyer to stop the phone calls.

How to Get a Bill Collector to Stop Calling You

Ignoring phone calls made by Wakefield & Associates, Inc. will not make the phone calls go away. In fact, the debt collection agency might respond by ramping up the number of phone calls it makes to your cell or home number.

By hiring a highly rated consumer protection lawyer, you can send a formally written letter to the third party debt collector stating the debt collection practices used by the bill collector are considered illegal by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The letter should go on to include legal language emphasizing the fact you will report all FDCPA violations to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as well as your state’s Attorney General Office.

Simply hiring an attorney might be all it takes to get Wakefield & Associates to back down from making frequent phone calls. Debt collection agencies count on consumers panicking to phone calls and not seeking legal help to make the phone calls stop.

A letter sent by your FDCPA lawyer might be all it takes for a third party debt collector to be more reasonable in settling the outstanding credit card or personal loan balance.

If your attorney’s request for a bill collector to stop making frequent phone calls fails, you have the legal expertise on your side to file a civil lawsuit against Wakefield & Associates, Inc.

How Many Times Can Wakefield & Associates, Inc. Call You?*

Should Wakefield & Associates Pay You Monetary Damages?

Your FDCPA attorney will seek monetary damages from a debt collection agency for committing one or more FDCPA violations. You might be aware of monetary damages awarded for physical and/or emotional distress.

What you probably do not know is the FDCPA allows consumers to seek monetary damages for lost wages. With a paper trail of evidence, you can prove how frequent phone calls made by a third party debt collector decreased your productivity at work and caused you to take sick leave because of physical and/or emotional issues.

You also have the legal right to seek monetary damages for garnished wages. Speak with an experienced FDCPA attorney to get the legal assistance you need to fight back against Wakefield & Associates.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Wakefield & Associates, Inc. or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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      By submitting above, I agree to the privacy policy and disclaimer and consent to be contacted by an agent via phone call or text message at the phone number(s) listed above, including wireless number(s). Calls may be auto-dialed/pre-recorded. Consent is not required to utilize our services.