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What to Do If a Collection Agency Sues You?
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What to Do If Wakefield & Associates Sues You*

Wakefield & Associates has been offering third-party debt collection services since 1946. They collect various debts, such as past-due medical bills, credit cards, personal loans, and late payments for purchases.

f you are being sued by Wakefield & Associates, you will need to read over the lawsuit and respond. You should enlist the help of an FDCPA lawyer, who is familiar with such cases. If you don’t respond, the court will most likely award Wakefield & Associates a judgment, assuming their claims are true.

How to Respond to A Lawsuit From Wakefield & Associates

Just because Wakefield & Associates is collecting a debt, it doesn’t mean it is accurate or that you owe it. Gather up all your evidence and documentation. You might have proof that you made payments on the bill in question, so it may be paid in full or the amount could have dropped significantly.

If you do owe the debt, you should contact Wakefield & Associates and try to negotiate a settlement. They will often settle the debt for much less than what you owe, which can save you money and save you the time of going to court.

What to Do If Wakefield & Associates Sues You*

Damages You Could Receive from Wakefield & Associates

An FDCPA attorney who is licensed in your state should review the lawsuit filed against you by Wakefield & Associates. Your lawyer will review all the details and determine if the collection agency violated the FDCPA.

If the FDCPA has been violated, you might be able to recover compensation for your damages that you suffered because of the unscrupulous behavior of Wakefield & Associates. Here are a few of the damages that might result:

  • Physical and emotional distress – When you are harassed by a debt collector, it can take its toll on your health. You can suffer physical distress, which could lead to migraines, tension headaches, cardiac conditions induced by stress, anxiety attacks, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, depression, and hypertension. You can also suffer emotional distress, which is caused by the stress on your relationships and the panic attacks caused by the harassment.
  • Lost wages – If you miss work because of the physical and emotional distress, or if you have a reduction in productivity because of the harassment and that leads to loss of pay, you can recover your lost wages from Wakefield & Associates.
  • Recovery of wage garnishment – If your wages were garnished by Wakefield & Associates and it was because they violated the FDCPA, you can recover those illegally garnished wages.
  • Legal fees – If the FDCPA was violated by Wakefield & Associates, you can ask that the collection agency be responsible for all legal fees, including court costs and your attorney’s fees.
  • Statutory damages – If you aren’t eligible to recover any of the previously mentioned damages, but you have proof that Wakefield & Associates violated the FDCPA, you can receive as much as $1,000 in statutory damages from the collection agency.
  • Injunctive relief – The court can provide you with injunctive relief, ordering Wakefield & Associates to stop calling you, your family, your friends, and your employer about the debt. They can also be ordered to stop written communication.

Talk To An FDCPA Attorney Today

If you are being threatened with a lawsuit by Wakefield & Associates, consult with an FDCPA attorney today to determine the best way to proceed with your case.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Wakefield & Associates or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to receive any compensation.

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