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What to Do If a Collection Agency Sues You?
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What to do if Affiliate Asset Solution Sues You

Doing nothing might be a sound strategy at the World Series of Poker, but it is the worst possible strategy for a consumer having to deal with a lawsuit filed by a debt collection agency. When a third party debt collector such as Affiliate Asset Solutions Sues you, the company will send you a formal notice alerting you to the pending lawsuit. The notice includes information concerning the date and time of the first hearing, as well as how you can take care of the alleged outstanding debt before the hearings begin.

If you fail to appear in court in response to a lawsuit filed by a third party debt collector, you can expect the judge presiding over the case to find you liable for paying off the entire amount owed. This includes costly late fees and interest charges that after several years, can more than double the amount owed on the original principle. You can also expect to pay court costs, as well as the fees associated with paying the legal team representing Affiliate Asset Solutions, LLC.

Responding to a Lawsuit Filed by a Bill Collector

How you respond to a lawsuit filed by a debt collection goes a long way in determining the outcome of the case. You can expect a third party debt collector like Affiliate Asset Solutions, LLC to be represented by a highly effective team of litigators that have won many lawsuits filed against consumers.

You need to counter the legal muscle flexed by a bill collector by hiring a state licensed consumer protection attorney who understands how to litigate cases involving the groundbreaking Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

Enacted by the United States Congress in 1977, the FDCPA forbids dozens of previously allowed debt collection tactics. Your FDCPA lawyer will conduct an extensive review of your case to determine whether a bill collector such as Affiliate Asset Solutions, LLC violated one or more provisions of the federal consumer protection law. For example, a third party debt collector cannot threaten you in any way. This includes threatening to take you to court over an alleged outstanding credit card or personal loan account.

What to Do When a Bill Collector Violates the FDCPA

The United States Congress did much more than simply outlaw certain debt collection practices. It also included a detailed provision within the FDCPA that allows consumers to file claims seeking monetary damages for one or more violations of the historic consumer protection law. With the advice of a state licensed FDCPA attorney, you have the right to file a claim that seeks statutory damages.

Capped at $1,000, statutory damages cover every violation of the FDCPA committed by the same company. You also have the right to seek actual damages, which is the just compensation awarded to consumers that suffer from physical and/or emotional distress symptoms.

Work with an Experienced Consumer Protection Attorney

If Affiliate Asset Solutions, LLC has filed a lawsuit against you, working with an accomplished FDCPA lawyer should put you on even legal ground with the debt collection agency. Your FDCPA attorney will determine whether the third party debt collector violated the FDCPA. Schedule a free initial consultation today with an experienced FDCPA lawyer.

Additional Resources

The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Affiliate Asset Solutions, LLC or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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