Credit cards are easy to acquire. This is because creditors are confident they can collect debts acquired from the cards through collecting agencies. Many of these collectors are experts in employing different techniques and tactics that any reasonable person will consider abusive, harassing, intrusive, annoying and downright inappropriate, that you will be forced pay.
You need not go through these practices since the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects you.
Kansas FDCPA
Kansas implements the provisions of the FDCPA and provides under Chapter 16a of the Kansas Fair Debt Collection Statute the remedies and penalties that may be claimed for erring debt collectors who are in violation of the FDCPA.
The attorney general of Kansas enforces the FDCPA and a debtor is given a year from the time the violation was carried out to file a complaint before the Federal Trade or the office of the attorney general in Kansas.
Under the Kansas FDCPA, debt collectors may contact a debtor only between 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. He may also communicate with the debtor at his workplace unless the employer forbids it and the debt collector is informed by the debtor about it.
Also, no actions by the collecting agency in the pursuit of collecting the debt should be made at the borrower’s expense. If you are unsure what to do when situations like this happens to you, it is best to get guidance from an FDCPA attorney in Kansas.
Relevant Statutes of Limitations in Kansas
It may not be common knowledge but there is a limit as to the time a creditor can sue you for your inability to pay your debts referred to as statute of limitation. In Kansas, a company can only file a case against you within three years from the time you defaulted on your debt payments. This includes the following types of debts:
- Credit card debts
- Promissory notes
- Debts from written contracts
- Debts from oral contract
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This does not eliminate your debt but it allows you relief from fear of being legally liable for failing to pay. No creditor or debt collector will be able to sue you after this period expires. However, if a collecting agency manages to coerce you to pay even just a partial amount of your outstanding debt, the debt is reactivated and the statute of limitation will restart.
That means the creditor will again have three years to sue you. To make sure you will not be fooled into any adverse actions, contact an FDCPA attorney in Kansas to assist you.
Get Help from a Kansas FDCPA Attorney
Dealing with debt collectors may turn into an ugly experience. It is best to rid yourself with the anxiety and stress and let a Kansas FDCPA attorney do it for you. Upon your request, a collecting agency may no longer contact you about your debt and instead directly transact it with your FDCPA attorney in Kansas.
Should a debt collector continue to annoy you with calls, threaten you with lawsuits, embarrass you before a third party beside your lawyer and do other inappropriate acts that violates your rights under the FDCPA, your Kansas FDCPA attorney can easily file a claim on your behalf for damages and remedies.
Whether you live in Wichita or Argonia, your attorney can be of help with your claim since the FDCPA applied statewide.
Get a Free Case Evaluation
Do you think your current situation calls for a Kansas FDCPA attorney? Get a Free Evaluation now and find out if you can claim for damages against a debt collector that violated your rights. An FDCPA attorney in Kansas will be referred to you should the assessment results in the need for a legal solution.