People can experience financial hardship through no fault of their own, but once they miss a certain number of payments on their credit card or student loan bills, the collection calls and letters soon start. If this happens to you, don’t panic. Even if you owe money, you have rights that collectors cannot disregard without consequences.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), third-party debt collectors may not indulge in unprofessional conduct when trying to collect a consumer debt. This means that collection methods like those below can result in fines and even revocation of an agency’s license.
- Using profane or obscene language
- Calling someone at work if they know that the employer does not permit such calls
- Telling the person’s friends, neighbors, and co-workers that they owe money
- Calling you before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. in your time zone
- Trying to collect an amount that is not authorized by law or the original creditor agreement
- Failing to identify themselves as debt collectors in each communication
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Company Profile: Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC
If you are being called by Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC, information about the company is below.
Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC, is a collection agency located in Plantation, Florida, that specializes in collecting medical debt. It was established in 2004, has less than 10 employees, and is managed by its President, Karl Hillard. Files archived at the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) website confirm that many people who believed they were being harassed by Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC hired attorneys and asserted their rights in court.
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Alleged Violations against Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC
According to PACER, in early 2014, Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC allegedly called an Illinois consumer on her cell phone in an attempt to collect a debt. She ordered the agency to stop calling her, but the calls allegedly continued.
Feeling harassed by Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC, the consumer hired a consumer attorney and sued the company for allegedly violating the FDCPA in the following ways:
- Calling her at places and times known to be inconvenient
- Using harassing, oppressive and abusive means to collect a debt
- Using unfair or unconscionable means to collect a debt
The matter was later dismissed.
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Hire an Attorney
The phone numbers for this collection agency are:
If either number appears on your caller ID when the phone rings, it means that you are being called by Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC. If they refuse to stop calling you despite numerous requests to do so, hire a consumer attorney. If you file a claim against Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC, and win, you could potentially be awarded $1,000 per violation as well as attorney’s fees, court costs, and any actual damages, making the agency’s decision to harass you an expensive one.
*Case taken from PACER ( File number is Case: 1:15-cv-01438 from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group, LLC, or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.