Financial problems are incredibly stressful. When debt collectors start calling about overdue amounts on your credit cards, medical bills, or student loans, it can affect you so much that you may contemplate bankruptcy. Getting a free case review from a consumer lawyer will confirm that you have rights in this situation.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act states that debt collectors must be ethical and transparent while dealing with you. Since 1977, practices like those listed below have been illegal and can be grounds for a lawsuit.
- Calling you several times per day
- Telling your friends, family, and co-workers that you owe a debt
- Contacting you directly when you have an attorney
- Saying that they will file a lawsuit that day if you don’t pay
- Demanding payment for a time-barred debt
- Making threats they have no intention of carrying out
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Company Profile: American Credit Resolution, Inc.
American Credit Resolution, Inc. is a debt collection agency headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It was incorporated in 2011, employs 40 people, and has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau. Litigation records at the PACER legal archive show that those who believed American Credit Resolution, Inc. was harassing them did not hesitate to demand compensation.
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Alleged Violations against American Credit Resolution, Inc.
According to PACER, in or around May 2012, American Credit Resolution, Inc. allegedly began calling a New York consumer about an overdue payday loan. She accused the company of leaving threatening voice messages that did not identify the caller as a debt collector. These messages allegedly included statements like the following:
- There is a pending claim filed against you;
- We will be serving you with a Notice of Intent;
- We will be serving you at your residence or place of employment.
Feeling harassed by American Credit Resolution, Inc., she obtained counsel and sued the agency for:
- Not identifying itself properly in voicemails
- Threatening legal actions it could not take
The matter was later settled.
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Hire a Consumer Lawyer
The phone number for this company is 1-844-746-0789. If it ever appears on your caller ID, it means that American Credit Resolution, Inc. may be pursuing you to pay a debt. If they leave threatening voice messages, hire a consumer lawyer and file a claim against American Credit Resolution, Inc. A court could order them to pay you $1,000 per violation, so take action when collection methods go too far.
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Additional Resources
*Case taken from PACER ( File number is Case 1:13-cv-00501-JTC from the United States District Court for the Western District of New York.
Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against American Credit Resolution, Inc. or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.