Many people who are being chased by collection agencies have no idea what their rights are. When a debt collector calls them non-stop, discusses their debt with the consumer’s friends, family, and colleagues, and threatens to garnish their wages, they believe that they can only stop the harassment by declaring bankruptcy. This is not the reality.
Your Rights Under the FDCPA
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, requires debt collectors to be behave professionally, which means treating you with respect. It also prohibits them from actions like the following when collecting or attempting to collect a debt:
Swearing and calling you names
Refusing or failing to validate the debt
Calling at all hours of the day and night
Maliciously reporting inaccurate information to the credit bureaus
Discussing the debt with anyone except you, your spouse, and your attorney
Trying to collect an amount that is not authorized by law or the original creditor agreement
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Company Profile: ARC Accounts Recovery
If you are being called by ARC Accounts Recovery, below is a general overview of company history and operations.
ARC Accounts Recovery is a collection agency headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, with additional offices in Vancouver, British Columbia, Regina, Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Toronto, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, Moncton, New Brunswick; and Seattle, Washington.
It opened for business in 1988, has over 200 employees, and is managed by its CEO, Gregory Carter. Legal files at the PACER website indicate that consumers who believed that they were being harassed by ARC Accounts Recovery went to court.
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Alleged Violations against ARC Accounts Recovery
According to PACER, in or around April 21, 2017, ARC Accounts Recovery sent a collection letter to an Ohio consumer seeking payment for a debt he had incurred while living in Canada.
It was followed by another letter on May 2, 2017, this one also hinting that legal action could be imminent if he did not pay. The consumer insisted that he had made no payments on this debt since 1991, making it legally uncollectible.
Feeling harassed by ARC Accounts Recovery, the consumer filed an FDCPA lawsuit against the agency for allegedly:
- Using false, deceptive, and misleading means to collect a debt
- Attempting to collect a time-barred debt
The matter was dismissed.
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Hire a Consumer Lawyer
The phone numbers for this debt collection agency are:
If any of these numbers appear on your caller ID when the phone rings, it means that ARC Accounts Recovery is on the line. If they demand that you pay a debt that is long out of statute, don’t give in.
Fight back by hiring a consumer lawyer and filing a claim against ARC Accounts Recovery. You could receive $1,000 per FDCPA violation in addition to your legal costs, so taking action against a debt collector that violates the law can pay off.
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Additional Resources
Case taken from PACER ( File number is Case: 1:18-cv-00885-DCN from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division.
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be constructed as legal advice. If you file a claim against ARC Accounts Recovery or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to any compensation.