Have you fallen behind on payments on a credit card or a personal loan account? If you find yourself in a financial mess, the chances are good that you will one day have to deal with a debt collection agency such as Radius Global Solutions, LLC.
Although rogue third party debt collectors are best known for using overly aggressive debt collection tactics, there is also the possibility of you having to deal with deceptive debt collection techniques. Under a groundbreaking federal consumer protection law, Radius Global Solutions, LLC cannot deceive you in any way.
About Radius Global Solutions, LLC
With 37 years in business, Radius Global Solutions, LLC has received considerable feedback about its operations. The most important feedback comes from the leading consumer advocacy organization, the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
According to the BBB, Radius Global Solutions, LLC operates as debt collection agency that focuses its business on collecting delinquent bank and retail accounts. The company operates throughout the United States, with a home office located in Edina, Minnesota. Radius Global Solutions, LLC has earned an A+ rating from the BBB.
What is Misrepresentation?
Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Radius Global Solutions, LLC cannot use any false, deceptive, or misleading misrepresentation of any kind during the course of collecting an outstanding consumer debt. One common form of deception involves impersonating an attorney or a government representative.
Hiding behind the power of the IRS is another illegal tactic used by some bill collectors. If you receive a phone call from someone claiming he or she represent the IRS, you should act immediately by speaking with a licensed consumer protection attorney who specializes in litigating FDCPA cases.
Your FDCPA lawyer can discover other acts of deception, such as Radius Global Solutions, LLC insisting you committed a crime by not taking care of a consumer debt.
Actual Damages Awarded by the FDCPA
Sometimes, a third party debt collector goes way beyond the restrictions placed on deceptive debt collection tactics by the FDCPA. A highly deceptive company might cause you to lose sleep at night, which can lead to a number of physical ailments associated with acute stress.
According to the FDCPA, you have the right to file a lawsuit in civil court to recover the costs of medical treatment, as well as the wages lost because of your focus on the deceptive debt collection agency.
Actual damages, which do not have a limit, require the presentation of compelling evidence linking the illegal practices used by Radius Global Solutions, LLC with your physical and/or emotional distress symptoms.
Work with an FDCPA Attorney
Compelling evidence comes from the meticulous records you kept during the time a bill collector deceived you. For example, if you live in a one party consent state, you can tape record every phone call, without first asking the company on the other end of the line for permission to record a conversation.
Working with a consumer protection lawyer who specializes in debt collection agency harassment will give you a better chance of winning a lawsuit. Schedule a free initial consultation with an FDCPA lawyer today to learn more about the federal consumer protection law.
Additional Resources
*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Radius Global solutions, LLC, or any other third-party collection agency, you may not be entitled to compensation.